Thursday, April 13, 2006


we're officially going to africa! for 3 weeks on june. we booked our tickets yesterday. it's the most money we've ever spent in one shot but it'll be totally worth it and, as my sister-in-law said today, we just need to get there.

so we fly out of columbia, into atlanta and then layover in amsterdam and into dar es salam. then we'll travel through tanzania, staying for a few days in mwanza, the 2nd largest town in the country, on the coast of lake victoria. chris's teacher is from this town and he's promised us some friends to stay with and, hopefully, some non-profit organizations to volunteer with or to see. then we'll go to nairobi, kenya and will leave the continent from there.


St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

And could we BE more excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear more details.

Sean said...

that is friggin' wonderful. i'm definitely excited viarariously.

Theresa said...

That's Awesome!! I'm so happy that you're doing it. Have fun planning :-)

Anonymous said...

I have to say I wish I could tag you have a suitcase big enough for me??!!!
Love you both!! Congrats!