Thursday, January 24, 2008

my new addiction

i don't think i've mentioned it yet, but i have to give a shout-out to my new favorite thing in life, project runway. i first started watching in mississippi this december with erica and fuzzy. i have sort of a love/hate relationship with reality tv shows, so i'm not surprised that i was drawn into this show so easily. what's cool about it, though, is that these people really have talent!

so since december e&f have been feeding my addiction by recording the weekly programs and sending them to me. i have to say, it really is so fun to get the dvds of the episodes in the mail each week. i usually end up going right in and watching it. in fact, in the last shipment which i received tuesday night, there were 2 weeks worth of shows! i watched one show on tuesday night. i was half way through my day at work on wednesday and was so cheered when i remembered i had the second episode to watch that evening. it's like crack!


Anonymous said...

I haven't watched my three episodes yet!!! I need to just sit down and watch them straight through!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, what did you do with my daughter? Who's writing this blog? Project Runway? There's no way Katie would watch that. Ha!

Erica said...

This week's episode is sooooo good. The dress Sweet Pea makes I want for my very own. I would wear it everyday (I would add some straps to it, though.) Expect it soon!

Waldie said...

expect the dress or the dvd? i'd take both, really, if you wanted to send either.

i don't know anything about the challenge, but i did find out who was ousted when i went to the website to include the link in the post. :(

Anonymous said...

Katie, you are going to be THRILLED at what I will be sending you in the mail this week!!!!! You will have to "make it work"!!!