Monday, June 30, 2008

tennessee weekend

baldman, playful little erin rita as cheryl looks on

this weekend we went up to tennessee to see pritcher and cheryl and to meet little erin rita. it was her baptism. plus, we got to hang out with their cool family and friends, had some really good (too much!) food, enjoyed cooler weather, and had an all-around great time.

check out more pictures at my flickr site. for more detail about what we did over the weekend, cheryl has a few good posts.


St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

Based on the photo here, and what I read on Cheryl's blog, Li'l Erin's face says that she'd prefer that Chris had baptized her.

So, I guess he'll need to apply to the Diaconate? Wouldn't want to second-guess the baby, would we?

Sean said...

That's an awesome picture! It was definitely a fun weekend.