Tuesday, June 14, 2005

bantu rugrats

day 2 of me working with SummerSPLASH, the summer program for the children of the somali bantu refugees relocated in columbia. i don't really know what to say except i honestly don't know if i have the ability to make it 3 more days. seriously, dude, day 2 ended with me on the couch in tears. i hate to write such negative things but it's the most understaffed, disorganized camp i've ever been associated with, and that's saying a lot b/c i've done a lot of camps and they're always chaotic and understaffed. so i'll just leave it at that.

somethings positive...the kids are totally gorgeous and beautiful. and they have a thirst for learning. in fact the only time they behave is when they're playing soccer, watching a movie, or doing schoolwork. i'm not kidding. try to play an organized game, utter chaos. do an art activity, mayhem. give them a pen and paper and once they trade pencils a million times to ensure they've gotten the best one, they're golden. and one final positive, i'm only doing this a week. so 3 more days to go. keep me in your prayers. (i'm not kidding. i (and all the staff) need it!)

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