Saturday, September 10, 2005

weekend ramblings

even though i worked late last night, chris and i still managed to make a really nice evening of it. when i got home i was jonesing for a walk because i had just been sitting on my duff for 4 hours in a training and it was gorgeous outside. so we took 2 laps around the neighborhood and then settled in to watch the lost boys of sudan. it was an excellent movie and i highly recommend seeing it. it shows the complexities of bringing refugees to this country "for a bettery life."

we slept in late this morning and resisted the urge to go to waffle house by making a big homemade breakfast instead. then we went to our local red cross to see if we can help at the katrina refugee evacuation center which is right down the street from us. when the woman heard that i had done some disaster relief in new york she basically forgot chris was there :( and was all about me helping, which is cool but i felt bad that chris was dissed. next, a few erands and a walk around our pretty (though hot) riverwalk. tonight we're going on a date! since this is the first weekend in weeks that we're not financially in the red we're going to get a bite to eat and then going to see batman begins at the $1.50 theater!

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