Monday, November 14, 2005

el negativo

today was just one of those days where everything was either totally negative or misunderstood as wrong. i spent a large part of my day writing a negative recommendation, if that makes sense. i had to write a document about how this guy stinks at his job and is not holding up his end of the bargain. what a waste of energy! and then the rest of the day i was defending myself for something that i was instructed to do. mondays, bah!


Sean said...

yes. yes yes yes. i think it all started when i got to work this morning, realized i'd left my lunch all neatly packed on my kitchen counter. this when i was already late and had too much to do before my 8am class. it hasn't gotten much better, either.

Ben Waldie said...

Sounds like some people have a case of "The Monday's".