Sunday, August 27, 2006

what we came home with

despite me not really wanting a kitten, chris and i came home with one yesterday afternoon. project pet had no cats over 12 weeks at this petsmart. and i was taken with this tortoise-shelled one.


we renamed her moki (from fraggle rock). and pretty much all she's done is hide under the couch and meow (a lot).


in other news, i finally got up the nerve (or got fed up enough) to cut my hair off again. it's not been short since before we lived in columbia. i am pretty pleased with it.




Theresa said...

how CUTE! On both counts :-) Moki is such a perfect name too.

Anonymous said...

Cute hair, and cute kity! I hope he treats you with more respect than Bailey!

Anonymous said...

Cute cut and cute cat! Thanks for posting photos!

Anonymous said...

You and your cat are cutie patooties.-Michelle

discipleassisi said...

wow on both counts!

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

Cute, AND cute. When she starts sleeping on your bed, you're hooked forever.

Will the bald guy be updating your profile cartoon?

Baldman76 said...

Oh, she's sleeping on the bed already. She figured that one out really quick. After a few hours of her sitting on my pillow, she also learned the phrase "kicked out and locked out." She knows about our closet, and how to climb onto our desk and stand in front of the computer screen while I am typing blogger comments, an also how to drink out of any unattended glasses of water. She's cute, though. I'll give her that.