Wednesday, July 09, 2008

csa season again!

yea! today was the first day for our summer csa. this is the third year that c and i have done this. for the past two years we've belonged to five leaves farms and we have been nothing but completely thrilled with the experience. the experience, that is of signing up for a share in a local farm. for those new to the csa idea, you can read all about it here (and once you read about it, you can use the same website to search your local area to find a farm near you to join!).

i'll be honest and say it does take a little time in the kitchen each week to be creative and figure out what you're going to make. and sometimes i just don't want to be cooking in the heat of the summer. but it does turn out to be really fun and it gets my creative juices flowing and helps me get out of the rut of eating the same-old same-old. plus! it supports local farms and gives you fresh, usually organic, and sometimes heirloom varieties of foods. so i'm excited to get our first harvest of yukon gold potatoes, greens, barbosa onions, tomatoes, and scallions. hmmm, i wonder what i'll make with them??

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