Friday, July 18, 2008

thoughts while riding

i've been trying to get up early several mornings a week to ride my bike. here are some random thoughts/sightings i had while riding:

why are there so many loose dogs roaming my neighborhood? i have never seen so many dogs just walking loose. i have learned that if you are chased by a pack of dogs while riding a bike, stay calm and keep riding at the same speed. however, do not, i repeat, do not look back.

i saw a huge bird, i think was a hawk. it was hard to keep sights on it because i was trying to watch where i was going. i first realized there was a big bird somewhere overhead because i heard it flapping its wings. cool.

i've been riding past a construction site and i finally realized what it is. what will this do to the neighborhood? though we already have some major sports attractions to my neck of the woods, so...

would anyone notice if i took figs off the really big fig tree on the outskirts of someone's property? i'll wait till their ripe to find out.

i think i saw scruffy. i know he 's been missing. and he is one to live the tramp life, but do you think he could really find his way from mississippi to south carolina? probably.

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