Monday, February 02, 2009

awesome-looking food website

i love food. i also love to eat. good food. and the look of food is part of what gets me. sometimes it's just so pretty.

that's my preface.

a fellow-foodie at work came into my office this afternoon and said she had a way to repay me for working this saturday. and she gave me this web address to check out. i generally trust her on all things food-related, so i wasted no time looking it up this evening.

having first seen this website only minutes ago, i can't vouch for the actual tastiness of the recipes, but they sure look good, don't they? every single one of them.

like this one.

and this one.

and this one....

i could go on.

i'd say that having access to these recipes will be worth working an hour this saturday.

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