Wednesday, February 04, 2009

preparing for spring

i love this time of year because i start planning for my spring garden. and what's best about that process is that at this point nothing has gone wrong yet. when i sit down and map out my rows of tomatoes and eggplants, i can just see how beautiful everything is. and for that minute i have the most beautiful garden in the world.

also, to add to my food-procuring hobby, this year i'm planning on taking up bee keeping. that's right! i'm going to be a hobby beekeeper! i took my first of three saturday-long classes last weekend with the sc mid-state beekeepers association. i think i'll have two hives which will support around 30,000 bees in each hive! yikes! but if this goes well we'll have some yummy local honey to harvest. cool, huh!?


Erica said...


Please send me some honey.
And more of that okra.
And that orange marmalade y'all made a few years ago.

Oooh, I know, invite us over for dinner!

When C graduates, I want us to come down for a weekend.

Love y'all!
Bee good!
Bee calm!

and "Bee safe, and beeeeee smart." (that was the saying of the old Mr Bee WDBD40 Fox channel in Jackson growing up.)

Yes, I know I am a dork. I am a Reid after all.

Dogwood Dell said...

So cool. Oh so cool.

Hope it won't "bee" an issue with the neighbors.

Paul Snatchko said...

Very cool.

Are the bees still dying at an alarming rate?