Monday, October 23, 2006

for the record

i just have to say i was wrong.

yup. wrong. i admit.

i have been so dreading going back to work today. and now that it's done and over with i see that i was just being a worry-wart, and for no real reason. i mean, seriously, folks. i was like d-r-e-a-d-i-n-g, dreading it. dreams about work. thoughts all weekend of it. avoiding phone calls on the work cell and emails. all because i though it would just be chaos when i got back.

and you guessed it (well actually i told you); i was totally wrong. today was great. the staff had everything in order. without me there they really had to step up to the plate and handle daily operations, which is exactly how it should be. no major mishaps (the few we had i already knew about). it was fabulous.

that, and i already got 2 things checked off my "to do" list from ideas i acquired from my training.

so, wow. how great.


Theresa said...

Congrats! Getting back to work is rough, i know ;-)

St. Izzy said...

And not even any problems with he who must not be named!
