Monday, March 10, 2008

spring break

the only reason i wish i were still in school is so that i could have a spring break. i don't want the homework though. so i guess it's a toss-up.

i sort of vicariously get a spring break because chris is on a quasi-spring break*, so i get to have my husband back at least a little bit this week. woohoo!

this weekend we had a weekend full of fun! we shopped around for inexpensive bookshelves, cleaned out and organized our back room, and then raked our front yard. boy, we're adults huh? that this is our idea of fun! we really just enjoyed each other's company, which was grrrrrrreat!

the kids had fun too!

doozer's new toy!
(notice mokey skulking in the background, wishing that she weren't so fat so she could fit in the new toy too!)

*chris's spring break is only "quasi" because he's still doing his ga and internship, just no classes.

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