Saturday, June 27, 2009

farmers markets!

i love that columbia has so many farmers markets now! seems like every week there is a new one opening up somewhere. next saturday will be the start of the all-local market being at 701, which is conveniently close to our house! yea for walking or biking to get local produce!* plus, it'll be there every saturday, which will be great because i often have to skip it because of work commitments. now i'll be able to catch it on the next week instead of waiting 2 or more weeks.

baldman and i woke up way early this morning to check out some of the markets. we started at the all-local on rosewood and picked up tomatoes, patty pan squash, cucumbers, milk, eggs, and a red onion. then we headed over to check out a new market across the street from brookland baptist in west columbia. we went by there just to see what the deal was. it's small and not all of the stuff is local. and, dang was it hot! yowza! and it was only like 10 a.m. by that point! but anyways, we bought some local peaches and blackberries (which were the biggest i've ever seen. they are about the size of my fist and so juicy!)

after a few more stops at thrift stores and hardware stores we came home to a really fresh lunch. my husband finished off his lunch with a grapefruit that was brought back from florida by a friend. i guess that was fresh as well. so fresh that my husband said "eating this grapefruit is like making love to a woman made of fruit." i guess that means he liked it.

*as much as i want to walk and bike places, even places as close as the new market will be, in this heat i may cave in to an air-conditioned car. did i mention it's hot here. urgh, is it too early to start complaining?

1 comment:

Erica said...

Christopher is such a dork.