I've noticed that my blog posts have been more and more sporadic. That, and I've also stopped journaling, which I normally do by myself each morning. It all started when I was sick and out of my normal routine. I wasn't leaving the house except to go to doctor's appointments so there just wasn't a lot of content to my day. Now I think it's also a sign that life here in Tanzania is just like life anywhere. You just go about your daily tasks and don't really think about how interesting, unusual, noteworthy, etc. things are. Like the fact that I sat out in the hot sun all day yesterday (under a tent) and my lunch consisted of unshelled peanuts bought from a lady carrying them on a tray on her head and a packaged ice cream cone bought from a guy peddling a bicycle that has a freezer on the front. It was kinda old meets new world.
This Friday is International Women's Day. My office is holding a week-long celebration at the stadium in town, which is why I was out in the sun all day yesterday. Here's our new banner getting hung up at our tent. "Together we can end violence against women." I'll post more about the events of the week after everything is done on Friday.
Earlier in the week Chris found this bird almost drowning in the dog's bowl.
It was the cutest little thing and I think Chris was hoping to get a new pet. Unfortunately, it didn't make it the night. It's probably for the best, but that little guy was a sweetie.
We're being hosts this week to the new missioners who are on break from language school. Remember last year when the roles were reversed and we were the ones in language school? Seems like a long time ago! And my, have we grown. We have Rich staying with us for the week and it's always a surprise to see what he pulls out of his luggage from the States!
He brought 4 wigs with him!
Since y'all have moved there, C's number of animals he has held has increased exponentially.
(sorry the little fella didn't make it through the night.)
Totally. He also held a kitten yesterday, but that's not unusual.
Oh man, but one kitten equals about a million other small animals. Did he freak out?
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