Saturday, February 02, 2008

getting ready for spring

i'm a little obsessive compulsive. i just spent almost $60 on seeds. yup, seeds!

you may remember that i made my first attempt at gardening last year and it worked out ok. now that we have a new house with a big-to-us yard, chris and i have been talking expansion. a full-blown garden. so in a few days (hopefully) we'll have our first shipment of seeds. not all of it, of course, will be put in the ground right now. most will have to wait a few months. but we're hoping to get outside next weekend to prepare the ground for some of the winter and early spring crops.

when i told chris i wanted to spend $60 on seeds he said, "well, you work hard. you earn the right to spend money on something that you like to do."

of course, time will tell if i spent a ridiculous amount of money on something that will totally eat up my time for no benefit or if i spent money on something that will be totally fun and will yield great results in our gastronomical lives. i'm hoping for the latter.


Dogwood Dell said...

Sounds like a hobby forming for 2008.

Remember to share some of those good eats!

Paul Snatchko said...

That's a great way to spend $60. Lord knows, that's just one nice dinner outing here in NYC -- those seeds may give you enough fruits and veggies for months!